About R.A.I.L.

Railway Associations In London was formed in 1979 to co-ordinate the activities of local area groups of different railway preservation societies active in the London area. Since that time we have been joined by a variety of specialist and general societies with railway interests scattered throughout South East England, so that we now have around 60 member groups.

R.A.I.L. provides a conduit for exchange of information between groups, and also undertakes a range of joint publicity and social activities. Each member society appoints a representative to attend the quarterly Representatives Meeting, from which the Officers are appointed, making the Association a truly democratic and co-operative body.

If you are interested in the activities of any member group, please contact that group's representative directly. If you would like further details of R.A.I.L., contact one of the officers. Or click here for a membership application form.

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Contact secretary@rail-london.org.uk with any questions or comments