R.A.I.L. News

Volunteers Needed

R.A.I.L. currently has a shortage of active representatives on the executive committee, and is in need of volunteers to stand for election to serve as executive and non-executive officers. We are in urgent need of a new Secretary and a Publicity Officer, able to develop our joint R.A.I.L. publicity stand on behalf of our member societies.

Volunteers or nominations would be welcome from any of the member societies who may be available to help out. The officer does not have to be the official representative from the society, but does have to belong to one of the member groups. Anyone interested in details of this post is invited to contact the Acting Secretary at 120 Banstead Road, Carshalton Beeches, Surrey SM5 3NH, or by e-mail to secretary@rail-london.org.uk


Further news about the various member groups represented by Railway Associations In London is published in RAIL NEWS. Dave Mark has now taken over as editor of our twice-yearly newsletter, which is circulated to all society representatives with the February and September minutes, for distribution throughout each society or area group.

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