Our Working Group structure, adopted by Church Meeting in 2006, broadly divides our activities into three main areas. Each of these includes working groups comprised of Elders and other members. We believe this structure helps to encourage and empower everyone to play a role in supporting the many different activities that go to make up the life of a thriving modern church community.

TeamWURC structure Strategy for Mission
Led by the Minister and Elders Meeting, this area covers our spiritual and worship activities, with a remit to develop ways of promoting the Gospel in Wallington and Carshalton, and provides support for those involved in leading the spiritual work of the church. Three three working groups cover Worship, Youth & Children and World Church.

People for Mission
Providing care and support for everyone involved in the life of Wallington URC, the People sector is subdivided into Pastoral and Fellowship. The Pastoral Oversight team co-ordinates our church's care for its members and the community, including training and support, with all Elders and other members sharing in the work of pastoral visiting. The Fellowship team oversees the regular Church Life social activities, such as the Christmas Fayre and Summer Party.

Resources for Mission
The resources team oversees the facilities needed to support the work of the church, balancing demands on our finances and proper stewardship of our premises. The Resources for Mission group brins together the Finance and Property committees, whilst a small Administration & Publicity group provides practical support across the whole range of church activities.

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